Popular Videos

These are a sampling of some of the most viewed videos from my YouTube channel

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Forging A Classic Candle Cup

Forging A Classic Candle Cup

This video describes my method of forging a simple candle cup from a piece of pipe and then forge welding it to a piece of round bar

How to Design a Blacksmith Forge

How To Design A Blacksmith Forge

The video describes the most poplar design of fire pot used by smiths for the last 200 years.

Forging Tongs in a Basic Shop

Simple Blacksmith Tongs

This is a simple a method of creating ugly but very usable blacksmith tongs using only a hammer and anvil.

Basic Hammering Techniques

Basic Hand Forging

This video describes the basic techniques used to shape metal at the anvil

My CNC Anvil System

CNC Anvil System

This is a portable anvil system that I designed to be cut from solid plate steel with a CNC plasma cutter.

My Forge Hood Design

My Forge Hood Design

This video describes how I designed and built my forge hood

Blacksmithing Project – A Simple Nuremberg Box – Introduction

A Simple Nuremberg Box

This is a quick overview of how I built this project. The complete series of videos is available on my Youtube channel.

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